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Drinking Coffee with Invisalign: Is It Possible?

Drinking Coffee with Invisalign: Is It Possible?

If you are beginning orthodontic treatment with clear aligners then you may have concerns about daily routines, like drinking coffee with Invisalign. Here, our Surrey orthodontists answer the question, Can you drink coffee with Invisalign? and discuss the related considerations.

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Types of Invisalign Explained: Purpose, Uses & More

Types of Invisalign Explained: Purpose, Uses & More

Invisalign is commonly used to address orthodontic needs because of its discreet appearance and treatment customizability. Here, our Surrey orthodontists provide some insight into clear aligners and the different types of Invisalign used to straighten teeth.

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Does Invisalign hurt?

Does Invisalign hurt?

Orthodontic treatment can help treat various conditions impacting the alignment of teeth. However, many patients wonder how comfortable they will be during treatment. Here, our Surrey orthodontists provide some insight into why Invisalign may hurt and what you can do to relieve the pain.

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Can Invisalign correct an overbite?

Can Invisalign correct an overbite?

Invisalign is a popular choice to straighten teeth discreetly, but did you know that it can be used to treat specific orthodontic issues? Here, our Surrey orthodontists discuss the use of Invisalign clear aligners to treat overbites, how it works and what you should know.

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Why do you need elastics for braces?

Why do you need elastics for braces?

Braces are an orthodontic treatment used to address alignment issues. In some cases, elastics may be used to help achieve the treatment goal. Here, our Surrey orthodontists discuss the use of elastics while wearing braces including the different types and when you may need them.

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Invisalign Attachments Explained

Invisalign Attachments Explained

While Invisalign aligners can be used alone to treat straightforward orthodontic issues, there are also options that allow them to be used for more complex cases. Here, our Surrey orthodontists share information about using Invisalign attachments to help straighten teeth.

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Invisalign Cleaning Crystals: What They Are & How They Are Used

Invisalign Cleaning Crystals: What They Are & How They Are Used

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment using plastic trays instead of metal braces. Since clear aligners must be worn for 22 hours daily, you'll want to clean them properly. Here, our Surrey orthodontists discuss Invisalign cleaning crystals and how to use them.

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What are orthodontic implants?

What are orthodontic implants?

Orthodontic treatment is designed to straighten your teeth and restore your bite. But what happens when you are missing teeth or need additional force? In this post, our Surrey orthodontists discuss using orthodontic implants and how they can help you achieve your oral health goals.

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What Are Chewies for Invisalign?

What Are Chewies for Invisalign?

In this post, our Surrey orthodontists discuss the importance of chewies when it comes to your Invisalign treatment, and how they help the process.

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How Long Does It Take for Invisalign to Work?

How Long Does It Take for Invisalign to Work?

Today, our Surrey orthodontists discuss approximately how long treatment takes with Invisalign clear aligners.

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